Hi, I'm Audrey!

I help everyday women feel put together with less fuss and more confidence and ease.

Find out how I can support you below. ⬇️

Your cheatsheet for feeling stylish

This Season's Wardrobe & Outfit Guide

Start each day feeling stylish and put together with less time, money, and stress.

With this guide, you'll have a step-by-step process to create an easy-to-use, multipurpose capsule wardrobe this season for casual and work wear.

Be able to turn a small capsule wardrobe into tons of outfits and get more wear out of what you own!


Ready to crack the style code?

Simply Put Together

The comprehensive framework for style that helps you love your wardrobe, feel confident in everything you wear, and put yourself together effortlessly.

Instead of struggling with style, playing a guessing game when you're shopping, and fighting your wardrobe, you'll be equipped with style concepts that will empower you to put together outfits confidently, shop with clarity and success, and love what you're wearing.

This is perfect for you if you want to figure out your style once and have a cohesive A to Z system that you can always rely on to feel put together. 


Ongoing, live support to keep up with your style

PMT Style Club

Keep up with your style through our style membership program! You'll gain access to exclusive resources, style courses, the ability to get advice from experienced stylists, and a warm, non-judgmental stylish community of like-minded women who will keep you accountable and motivated.

This is perfect for you if you want a space to keep up with your style through all of your life's and body's changes, stay on top of trends, have continuous accountability and motivation, and continue learning from expert stylists.


50% Complete

Two Step

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